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Wildlife to look out for around your villa in Orlando

Wildlife around your Orlando villa - cranes

With around 760 species of animals that exist nowhere else in the world and the third largest population of wild birds in the US, Florida is a great place to witness some amazing wildlife. You might see a mixture of creepy crawlies, land and aquatic animals whilst on your travels around Orlando, with some of these being right outside your villa door.

If there’s a lake near your villa, it’s a great opportunity to spot lots of wildlife in one place. You may also find some cranes or turkey vultures roaming around the community, or even some unwanted visitors, such a creepy crawlies. Listed below are the more common creatures that you can find in Florida.

Creepy crawlies in Florida

You will experience bugs of some description in and around your villa, but don’t worry this is normal for a tropical region such as Florida.

Palmetto bugs are a relative of the cockroach and are a common sight in this area, but you will probably see more dead ones than live ones thanks to the monthly pest control that takes place in all of our villas. If you see any living palmetto bugs, then honestly, there is nothing to worry about, they don’t bite, sting or carry nasty diseases, but by all means if you see many of them and they are a problem, then report the matter to the local management company, who will arrange a visit from a pest control expert. In all probability heavy rain has washed away the bug spray and it will just need reapplying. Leaving food or drinks out, even tiny crumbs, will certainly attract these bugs, so make sure you keep the kitchen area spotlessly clean at all times, particularly when going to bed for the night.

Other common insects seen in Orlando are lovebugs, particularly in April/May and August/September. They are small, black flies that fly around attached in pairs, one male and one female. Lovebugs are absolutely harmless - they do not bite, sting, spread diseases, or eat trash. What they do though, is make your shiny rental car gunky and sticky, so it’s a good job you don’t have to return it in the state you picked it up! Most rest stops have windshield washing areas where you can clear their remains off the window!

It is said that there are about 900 species of spider in Florida! Most of which, you will be happy to know, live outdoors, away from our villas. There are a few venomous spiders that inhabit Florida, all of which belong to the widow family, it is extremely rare to encounter any, so do not panic! Although if bitten, you need to acquire immediate medical attention. You will likely encounter as many spiders in Florida as you would in the UK.

Reptiles in Florida

The geckos you will see are so common in Florida that they are called house lizards. They have also been given this name as they are usually found climbing the walls of the villas. If any of them manage to get inside your villa then carefully show them the door! Most people tend to not mind geckos roaming around the outside of the villas, as they feed on insects and spiders, which means less creepy crawlies inside your holiday home!

Alligators in Orlando

Florida is famous for its alligators and you should assume they are in every natural body of water in Orlando. You might even see them in the lake on your community. They are pretty speedy in the water, but they can also move swiftly on land. Don’t approach, try to touch, feed, or attempt to take a picture with one. If you want to look at them, observe from a safe distance.

There are 45 species of snake in Florida, most of which are completely harmless. Included in the 45 species, there are four venomous snakes that can be found in Central Florida. While they are venomous, they aren’t poisonous. They are usually found near a lake or pond, and can sometimes make their way onto the pool deck. However, it is unlikely that you will see a snake. If you do, do not provoke or attempt to handle it in any way.

Mammals in Florida

Feral pigs, also known as wild boars, are known to cause serious damage to areas where you’ll find bulbs, fruits and insects, or anything edible for the pigs to feed on. As an unwanted visitor to Florida, the feral pig population is slowly on the rise, despite efforts to eliminate them. You may find them travelling in small groups or even alone. Feral pigs usually aren’t dangerous and naturally fear humans.

Cranes are one of Florida’s largest birds, reaching to 1.2m tall with a matching wing span. There are various species of crane birds, but generally speaking adults are a light grey in colour, with long legs, neck and beak, with a reddish skin on their crown. These birds migrate to Florida for the winter and can be found in large groups, however you may see them wandering aimlessly around your community. These birds are harmless and extremely docile, if approached they will simply walk away.

Raccoons are a common nuisance animal in Florida, that have adapted to humans and urban dwellings, similar to how foxes live in the UK. They can be found almost everywhere there is water and shelter, and like to search for food in bins. You are advised to not feed the raccoons as similarly to alligators, these animals will then associate humans with food and will become a problem. Most of the time they are harmless when left alone. Please do not leave any food waste outside your villa either, as this can attract them, as well as other unwelcome creatures.

Mammals in Orlando

Orlando’s swampy ponds and marshes also offer the perfect habitat for armadillos. These odd-looking mammals are another common wildlife pest in Orlando. Armadillos spend most of the time underground and dig burrows for their homes, or to escape predators. Their mindless burrowing can damage people’s gardens and flower beds. However, they are harmless creatures and you are more likely to spot them in the evenings or during daylight in cooler months, as they are primarily nocturnal. Armadillos are the only mammals that have a protective armour, with bands around its midsection to allow it flexibility of movement for burrowing.

Turkey vultures are probably one of the strangest birds you will see in this area, with a bright pinkish head, which resembles the head of a turkey, hence the name. The turkey vulture is a highly distinctive ugly-looking bird. These scavengers love nothing better than ripping open bin bags on collection day. They usually soar above the ground searching for food, using its excellent eyesight and sense of smell.

The largest native land mammal in Florida is the black bear. It is very rare that you will actually spot one on your holiday, but if they are in your neighbourhood, it’s usually for food from your bin, therefore it is important to keep temptation away from bears and make sure your bins are tightly secured.

This list of wildlife should certainly give you a better idea of the animals you might come across in Florida. We’ve also added bullet points below of some helpful holiday hints to keep the pests away. Let us know what animals you spot around your villa and community! You can share your photos with us on our social channels, using #DebbiesVillas.

Florida wildlife holiday hints

  • Make sure all windows and doors are kept closed to stop bugs creeping in. Bugs are attracted to light, so keep curtains closed in the evening.
  • Bins should be tightly secured, make sure the lids are firmly closed and use heavy duty bags. Insects love to get into rubbish and look for sugars.
  • Try and keep in the habit of cleaning up after cooking and preparing food to avoid leaving crumbs and food debris.
  • If you spill anything, inside or outside on the pool decks, be sure you wash it away. Fizzy drinks, in particular, attract lots of unwanted visitors, including ants.
  • The pool screens can help keep some insects out, ensure the entrances to the pool area, from outside, stay closed.
  • Be careful when walking on grassy areas. If you are bitten by ants you can have very painful feet for a few days.